Putting on an annual festival the size of this musical tribute to Bix is tremendously expensive and ticket fees alone cannot begin to sustain it. Continued success is dependent upon grants, sponsors, and donations large and small from Bix fans.
You can send a check to BBMS, 129 N. Main St., Davenport, Ia. 52801. B.B.M.S. is a non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible. Or, if you like, call the B.B.M.S, office, (563) 324-7170, for the various donor levels or check our website on the Membership page.
The Society’s office at 2nd & Main in downtown Davenport is in the lower level of the River Music Experience building, just down the hall from the Bix Beiderbecke Museum & World Archives. The “RME” is the hub of the Quad City music scene. The office is only manned part-time from mid-August through May; if you’d like to stop in, please call ahead (563-324-7170) or email (

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